Input data for PARSEME logo proposals 1. Keywords to be transmitted by the logo Name of the action: PARSEME Popular keywords: multilingual, network, grammar, idioms Specialized keywords: multi-word expressions, MWEs, phraseology, parsing, syntax, lexicon, treebank, NLP 2. Target audience - scientists (especially in NLP and linguistics) - industrials in natural language processing, - students in linguistics or computing - political bodies in charge of research? 3. Colors Several colors but which would nicely display also in case of black-and-white printing and copying. 4. Reward for the winner Logo creation is considered by the COST office as "altruistic work" and therefore cannot be funded from the Action's budget. 5. Maximum number of logo versions per proposer 2-3 6. Modalities The selection of a logo will be organized as a contest. A pre-selection will be managed by the Steering Committee. 7. Deadline for submissions: 15 June 2014