
PARSEME members communicate via several mailing lists. For safety and spam protection reasons, all lists are moderated and a subscription confirmation request is sent per email to new members.

The domain of all lists is

List Members Administrator Subscription
parseme-all All PARSEME members Adam Przepiórkowski Automatic when you join the MC or a WG
parseme-mc Management Committee members Adam Przepiórkowski Automatic when you join the MC (your email from the official COST webpage is used)
parseme-steer Steering Committee members Adam Przepiórkowski Restricted to SC only
parseme-wg1 Members of Working Group 1 Manfred Sailer Automatic when you join WG1
parseme-wg2 Members of Working Group 2 Yannick Parmentier Automatic when you join WG2
parseme-wg3 Members of Working Group 3 Mike Rosner Automatic when you join WG3
parseme-wg4 Members of Working Group 4 Victoria Rosén Automatic when you join WG4
parseme-esr Early-Stage Researchers Veronika Vincze Automatic when you join a WG and you are an ESR