
After a brief summary of the activities carried out within WG2 [slides] by Yannick Parmentier, there will be a hands-on session (as was the case during the last two WG2 meeting in Iaşi and Struga). This session will be presented by Eric De La Clergerie (INRIA, Paris).

Title: "a tour of FRMG, a French (Meta)Grammar"


The aim of this tutorial is to take a grand tour of FRMG, a wide coverage French meta-grammar. But FRMG is also a Tree Adjoining Grammar derived from the meta-grammar and a parser compiled from the grammar.

We will explore all these components and others, such as the post-parsing disambiguation phase. We will also examine how several strategies are used at all levels to handle different kinds of Multi-Word Expressions (MWEs).

The tutorial will exploit the functionalities of FRMG Wiki (, a new generation of linguistic wiki allowing us to play with FRMG and to access to its components.

For more information about the INRIA ALPAGE Research Group, please consult:

[Link to the presentation]