This page contains links to PARSEME outcomes other than those listed in dedicated pages.


PARSEME funded 39 Short Term Scientific Missions for 35 reseachers and a total of 49 months with the following distribution:

  • early-stage researchers: 30 STSMs (77%); senior researchers: 9 STSMs (23%)
  • male researchers: 20 STSMs (51%); female researchers: 19 STSMs (49%)
  • 25 countries were concerned in total (either as a sending or as a hosting country)
    • STSMs coming from an inclusiveness country: 14 (36%); STSMs coming from a non-inclusiveness country: 25 (64%)
    • STSMs going to an inclusiveness country: 8 (21%); STSMs going to a non-inclusiveness country: 31 (79%)
  • Average STSM duration: 29 days
  • All reports are available online

Members' lists:

PARSEME gathers members of 2 categories:

  • Management Committee members and substitutes were nominated by the participating countries as their official representative. The MC list is maintained by COST.
  • Working Group members are admitted according to PARSEME internal rules. The WG members' list, containing profiles and contacts of the members, is one of our networking instruments.

Spin-off projects:

  • Five PARSEME spin-off projects received national funding in the Czech Republic, France, Lithuania, Poland and Slovenia.

Success stories:

  • PARSEME was shortlisted by COST for a presentation at the European Conference for Science Journalists (Copenhagen, 26-30 June), the largest gathering of science journalists in Europe in 2017
  • Glorianna Jagfeld's bachelor thesis "Towards a Better Semantic Role Dimension of the success Labeling of Complex Predicates", supervised by Lonneke van der Plas, has received the German national GSCL prize for the best ESR support Bachelor thesis in Computational Linguistics as well as the local Infos prize.
  • Heinrich Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf (Laura Kallmeyer) and Agata Savary received a Seal of Excellence for the Marie Sk≈Çodowska-Curie Action proposal entitled "Object-Oriented Modeling of Multiword Expressions (MWE-Plus-Plus)", submitted on 14 September 2016 (call H2020-MSCA-IF-2016).
  • Agnieszka Patejuk received a mobility grant from the Polish "Mobilno≈õƒá Plus" program, for a 3-year research visit to the University of Oxford. 


  • Bojana Djordjevic (submitted) "Construction of a Formal Grammar of Serbian Using a Metagrammar", PhD thesis, under evaluation, supervised by Cvetana Krstev, University of Belgrade, Serbia
  • Agnieszka Patejuk (2015) "Unlike coordination in Polish: an LFG account", PhD thesis with honors, supervised by Adam Przepiórkowski, Institute of Polish Language, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland.
  • Gyri Smørdal Losnegaard (in preparation) "Predicting the unpredictable: Developing a lexicon model for Norwegian multiword expressions", PhD thesis, supervised by Victoria Rosén, University of Bergen, Norway.
  • Jakub Waszczuk (2017) "Leveraging MWEs in practical TAG parsing: towards the best of the two worlds", PhD thesis, supervised by Agata Savary and Yannick Parmentier, François Rabelais University Tours, France
  • Agata Savary (2014): "Representation and Processing of Composition, Variation and Approximation in Language Resources and Tools", dissertation in view of an accreditation to supervise research (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches), Université François Rabelais Tours, France

MWE games - a crowdsourced database of idioms in many languages structured as games for an easy, user-friendly and appealing discovery of mental images, metaphors and stereotypes conveyed by MWEs in various countries.