Multiple-Gap Constructions

Yehuda Falk


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Proceedings of LFG11; CSLI Publications On-line

"Parasitic" gap constructions are constructions in which one filler corresponds to more than one gap. In LFG, there is nothing particularly strange about this, as there is no reason to expect a one-to-one relationship. The anti-c-command constraint is not really based on c-command. Instead, there are two constraints, one disallowing gaps in reflexive environments, and the other disallowing the function SUBJ as an f-commanding structure-sharing function. Parasitic gaps in adjuncts are the result of the islandhood of adjuncts not being realized when a discourse-prominent element is shared with the body of the clause, while those in subjects are a loophole to circumvent the joint effect of subject islandhood and weak crossover.

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