Proceedings of LFG '14 Conference

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Editors: Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King
2014 CSLI Publications 

Editors' Note

The program committee for LFG14 were Anna Kibort and Ida Toivonen. We would like to thank them for coordinating the review process and liasing with the local and workshop organizers in order to put together the final program that gave rise to this collection of papers. Thanks also go to the executive committee and the abstract and final paper reviewers, without whom the conference and the proceedings would not have been possible in this form. With respect to the local organizing committee, we thank Damir Ćavar for proposing to host the LFG conference in Michigan in the first place and for ensuring that the local conditions were wonderful. Many thanks are especially due to Gosia Ćavar, who put together a superbly organized conference. The social program was divided between Ann Arbor and Detroit. Who knew the surprising delights Detroit could offer!

Finally, as always, we would like to thank Dikran Karagueuzian for his and CSLI's unfailing support.

The table of contents lists all the papers presented at the conference. Some papers were not submitted to the proceedings. For these papers, we suggest contacting the authors directly.

Hard Copy: All of the papers submitted to the LFG14 proceedings are available in one large pdf file, to be viewed and printed with Adobe Acrobat. The proceedings' file was created via pdflatex tools, for which we continue to be indebted to Stefan Müller.

See also other LFG Proceedings
Maintained by Tracy Holloway King

Created: December 2014