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Laczkó, Tibor: Modelling (In)definiteness, External Possessors and (Typological) Variation in Hungarian Possessive DPs
In this paper I set out to model the
encoding of definiteness in Hungarian possessive DPs with particular attention
to the (non)complementarity of definiteness markers and possessive markers. I
develop a formal LFG account of the relevant phenomena. Its essence is that I
propose that in Hungarian DPs the DEF feature is nonunifiable. Naturally, the
definite article always encodes this feature, while some possessor types also
encode it, and others do not. The latter can only require that this feature
should be present in the possessive DP. It is in this way that I capture the
(non)co-occurrence of the definite article and various possessors.
December 22, 2022 |
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