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Schwarz, Lara & Putnam, Michael T.: Expanding the Pipeline: A Prolegomenon to Modeling Multilingual Grammars in LFG

In light of evidence from cognitive neuroscience that both source grammars are simultaneously active in the mind of a bilingual, we discuss the ramifications this has on the modeling of outputs from bilingual grammars, especially those that contain elements from multiple source grammars (i.e., code-switching). Here we provide a sketch of the architectural assumptions necessitated in light of these findings. To best model these structures, we introduce an expanded pipeline architecture that builds upon the foundation of previous work by Asudeh and Toivonen (2015). Similar to previous work integrating violable constraints from Optimality Theory (OT) (Prince and Smolensky, 2008) into LFG’s parallel correspondence architecture (Bresnan, 2000; Sells, 2001a,b), we augment this architecture with gradient, probabilistic mapping functions between the independent levels of grammar as initially suggested by Goldrick et al. (2016a).

December 22, 2022
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