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Pretorius, Rigardt & Berg, Ansu: An LFG Analysis of Setswana Auxiliary Verb Phrases Indicating Tense

This paper focusses on the treatment of the semantic values of Setswana auxiliary verbs in cases where more than one auxiliary verb appears in the same auxiliary verb phrase (VPAux). The aim is to give an overview of the treatment of the tense/aspect features of these auxiliary verb phrases at f-structure in LFG. The minimal structure of a VPAUX consists of an auxiliary verb followed by an obligatory phrase that may be a verb phrase that includes a main verb (VPMAIN) or a copulative verb (VPIDCOP, VPDESCOP, VPASSCOP) or the obligatory phrase may be another VPAUX. We give an outline of the categories expressed in main verbs followed by a brief overview of the characteristics of Setswana auxiliary verbs. We then propose a treatment of the tense and aspect features of auxiliary verbs within the VPAux.

December 22, 2022
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