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Lovestrand, Joseph: F-structure and s-structure of Urdu complex predicates

This paper proposes a solution to the problem of constituent-sensitive interpretation of semantic scope in Urdu complex predicates in the analysis of Lowe (2015). In this novel approach, the PRED value of the main verb in an Urdu complex predicate appears in its own f-structure with no grammatical functions. The lexical entry of the light verb constructs a complex s-structure which links the single set of grammatical functions with semantic arguments in a connected s-structure. This approach avoids the formal complications of the hybrid f-structure proposal of Andrews (2018). Resolving the semantic scope problem provides support for the idea that complex predicates are formally unproblematic in LFG, as long as argument selection is constrained by glue semantics (instead of general Completeness and Coherence constraints). This approach to complex predicates is a possible alternative to the approach of Butt (1995) which postulates the formal complications of a-structure and unifiable semantic forms.

December 22, 2022
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