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Dinkel, Rebecca: Copala Triqui's syntactic causative: Reconsidering clause linkage in LFG

Copala Triqui's (CT) syntactic causative does not display all of the properties of canonical subordinate nor coordinate constructions. In LFG, atypical clause linkage types have been analyzed as having a mismatch between subordination and coordination between different levels of grammar. A "mismatch" approach cannot explain all of the properties of CT's syntactic causative, with its c-structure and f-structure not clearly diagnosable as either subordinate or coordinate. Instead, this paper shows that CT's syntactic causative meets the definition of a third kind of clause linkage, cosubordination, and that more kinds of clause linkage types can be successfully modeled in LFG. More research on other languages of the world needs to be done to see if cosubordination is a genuine third type of clause linkage.

December 22, 2022
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