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Przepiórkowski, Adam: Towards Model-Theoretic LFG

LFG is usually classified as a constraint-based (model-theoretic) framework, together with, e.g., Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar, but – unlike HPSG – it has never received an explicit worked-out model theory. This presentation points out a number of problems that such a theory must face, including the exact representation of f-structures (given the possibility of cycles), the implicit use of unique indices which differentiate same-looking semantic forms, the double life of atoms as attributes and as their values, and the distinction between defining and constraining statements. Proposed solutions include adopting a view of f-structures similar to that in HPSG, adapting the RSRL formalism underlying HPSG to handle the double life of atoms, and defining meta-theoretical operations on models which properly deal with the defining/constraining distinction.

December 22, 2022
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