PARSEME meeting, Valletta, Malta 19 March 2015 Summary of the feedback from participants (by Agata Savary) based on: Main benefits from the meeting: - networking, discussions - new insights - inspiration Posters: - quantity - just enough - poster teasers are very popular MC meeting - transparent, informative WG sessions: - generally good but not enough time for discussions, more active participation for members would be welcome Advantages of the action: - networking - very active community - participation of non-EU people - motivation to fund as many people as possible - friendly atmosphere - good scientific level - presence of important actors - good balance between linguistics and computing - unbiased Ideas for future: - locally group related posters - take a better care about the space available around posters - posters should be kept together (in the same room), but one person prefers the split setting to prevent noise - demo sessions - the conference rooms might have daylight - spend less time on administrative issues - invite experts of related domains (psycholinguistics, metaphor) - more activity in between meetings - establish more connexions between WGs - small annotation tasks at WG meetings - create a European resource of MWEs - organize a shared task - standardize the terminology around MWEs (e.g. support verbs vs. light verbs)