PARSEME SC meeting Dubrovnik, Croatia 26 September 2016 14:30-15:00 ============ Agenda: - (Cvetana) validation of the current STSM requests - (Manfred & Agata) Language Science Press series * LSP feedback on the title (series cannot have subtitles) * idea of a new title: "Theoretical, Computational, and Empirical Approaches to Phraseology and Multiword Expressions" * Editors Meeting for all Lang Sci series: October 7 - (Agata) EACL-MWE 2017 workshop proposal * details of the proposal * back-up plan for the shared task workshop - (Agata) special volume for selected papers from the MWE workshop * extended versions of papers * additional reviews * papers from the traditional workshop, the shared task and from outside (?) * feedback: OK for Yannick, Victoria, Mike and Manfred * Issues : The volume might seem sort of lopsided thematically (shared task vs. random MWE topics) (Victoria) Not enough submissions (Yannick) - (Agata) synergies between WGs and the shared task * verbal MWE typology and annotation guidelines (with WG1 and WG4), * automatic identification methods and evaluation measures (with WG2 and WG3) - do we need another meeting (per video-conference)? - any other business