The Proceedings of the LFG '00 Conference

University of California, Berkeley

Editors: Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King 
2000 CSLI Publications 
ISSN 1098-6782

Editors' Note

This year's conference was held as part of a larger Berkeley Formal Grammar Conference, which included a day of workshops and the annual HPSG conference.

The program committee for LFG'00 were Rachel Nordlinger and Chris Manning. We would like to thank them for putting together the program that gave rise to this collection of papers.

The table of contents lists all the papers presented at the conference and some that were accepted but could not be presented. Some papers were not submitted to the proceedings. For these papers, we suggest contacting the authors directly via the e-mail addresses also provided as part of the table of contents.

Note that we have listed the workshop papers twice: once in the table of contents together with the session papers, and once in a separate section under the workshop titles.

New Feature: All of the papers submitted to the LFG00 proceedings are available in one large pdf file, to be viewed and printed with Adobe Acrobat. Use the view bookmarks option to see the table of contents.

We would like to thank all those who contributed to this conference. We would especially like to thank the local organizing committee, namely Andreas Kathol, and our reviewers, without whom the conference would not have been possible. 

Workshops of the Berkeley Formal Grammar Conference

This year we have included the proceedings of the workshops from the Berkeley Formal Grammar Conference, held in conjunction with LFG '00 and HPSG '00. The table of contents lists the workshops and their papers.

Maintained by Miriam Butt

Created: August 2000