Proceedings of LFG '07 Conference
Stanford University
Editors: Miriam Butt and Tracy
Holloway King
2007 CSLI Publications
Editors' Note
The program committee for LFG'07 were Kersti Börjars and Aoife Cahill. We would like to thank them again for putting together the program that gave rise to this collection of papers. Thanks also go to the executive committee and the reviewers, without whom the conference would not have been possible. Again this year one of the editors also played a part in the local organizing committee, which consisted of Adams Bodomo, Joan Bresnan and Tracy Holloway King, who worked together to put on yet another successful conference. We would like to thank the Department of Linguistics at Stanford and the LSA Institute for assistance and logistics in putting on the conference. We express our appreciation to Powerset for their sponsorship.
The table of contents lists all the papers presented at the conference. Some papers were not submitted to the proceedings. For these papers, we suggest contacting the authors directly.
Hard Copy: All of the papers submitted to the LFG07 proceedings are available in one large pdf file, to be viewed and printed with Adobe Acrobat. We would like to thank Stefan Müller for providing us with pdflatex tools that helped compile the proceedings.
See also other LFG Proceedings
Maintained by Tracy
Holloway King
Created: December 2007