Loan words maintain formal anomalies only of those types that are present in other peripheral classes of language. If an anomaly arises from the transition of a nonperipheral element into a peripheral one, then there are already anomalies of this type in the periphery of the given language.
Loan words maintain formal anomalies only of those types that are present in other peripheral classes of language. IF an anomaly arises from the transition of a nonperipheral element into a peripheral one, THEN there are already anomalies of this type in the periphery of the given language.
“Element” is a general denotation for various phonological patterns, e.g. phonemes, sequences of phonemes, tones, stress, syllable types (cf. Uspensky & Zhivov 1977: 11-12). ???
“Element” is a general denotation for various phonological patterns, e.g. phonemes, sequences of phonemes, tones, stress, syllable types (cf. Uspensky & Zhivov 1977: 11-12). ???