Universal 435: head-marking ⇒ low complexity; dependent-marking ⇒ high complexity
Head-marking is associated with low complexity, dependent marking with high complexity, where complexity is the total of D, H, and F points for NP and S. D- refers to dependent-marking; H- refers to head-marking; F- refers to detachment* (mnemonically F stands for “free” or “floated”)
Head-marking is associated with low complexity, dependent marking with high complexity, where complexity is the total of D, H, and F points for NP and S. D- refers to dependent-marking; H- refers to head-marking; F- refers to detachment* (mnemonically F stands for “free” or “floated”)
Detached marking. The term is used for various patterns in which the marking is detached from the dependent but not attached to the head.And what is “complexity”?
Detached marking. The term is used for various patterns in which the marking is detached from the dependent but not attached to the head.And what is “complexity”?