1. Derived by transitivity from ##69 and 175.2. Dryer 1988: 198: “There is no clear evidence for the correlation between Adposition-Noun and Adjective-Noun order.”3. For postpositional languages, all four co-occurrences are productively attested: Postp => ((A N v N A) & (Rel N v N Rel).4. Since the 1990s, Hawkins has proposed alternative explanations of his universals (see e.g. Hawkins 1993: 234).
1. Derived by transitivity from ##69 and 175.2. Dryer 1988: 198: “There is no clear evidence for the correlation between Adposition-Noun and Adjective-Noun order.”3. For postpositional languages, all four co-occurrences are productively attested: Postp => ((A N v N A) & (Rel N v N Rel).4. Since the 1990s, Hawkins has proposed alternative explanations of his universals (see e.g. Hawkins 1993: 234).