If there are analogical changes in their inflectional paradigms, short morphemes (stems and affixes) or words more likely cause a re-formation of long morphemes (stems and affixes) or words than the other way round.
When there are analogical changes in their inflectional paradigms, short morphemes (stems and affixes) or words more likely cause a re-formation of long morphemes (stems and affixes) or words than the other way round.
stem, affix, morpheme, word, length, analogical change
1. Although the investigation is based only on Indo-European languages, the author assumes his generalisation to be valid for all languages (Maøczak 1963: 19; 1978: 57). Maøczak regards his investigation as different from Kury:owicz’s (especially Kury:owicz 1949; see Maøczak 1978). The universals of Kury:owicz and Maøczak are quite distinct from each other (see Best 1973: 61-107 and Anttila 1977: 76-80). 2. Cf. #974.
1. Although the investigation is based only on Indo-European languages, the author assumes his generalisation to be valid for all languages (Maøczak 1963: 19; 1978: 57). Maøczak regards his investigation as different from Kury:owicz’s (especially Kury:owicz 1949; see Maøczak 1978). The universals of Kury:owicz and Maøczak are quite distinct from each other (see Best 1973: 61-107 and Anttila 1977: 76-80). 2. Cf. #974.