1. The ADVERBIAL COMPARATIVE is an instance of fixed-case comparative constructions, in which the standard NP has as its fixed form a marking which is employed in the language to encode adverbial constituents; the Latin ablative comparative (which is structurally expresses the standard NP as an instance of an adverbial source-phrase) is a case in point). 2. This is a summarized version of ##988-990.3. Cf. #214.
1. The ADVERBIAL COMPARATIVE is an instance of fixed-case comparative constructions, in which the standard NP has as its fixed form a marking which is employed in the language to encode adverbial constituents; the Latin ablative comparative (which is structurally expresses the standard NP as an instance of an adverbial source-phrase) is a case in point). 2. This is a summarized version of ##988-990.3. Cf. #214.