rarissimum 8: laminal (tongue-blade) trill (see Image) Where found Czech (Slavonic, IE) Domain phonology Subdomain phoneme inventory Keywords laminal, trill Type rarissimum Universals violated none…
rarissimum 8
Posted in Raritätenkabinett
Das grammatische Raritätenkabinett & The Universals Archive
Posted in Raritätenkabinett
rarissimum 8: laminal (tongue-blade) trill (see Image) Where found Czech (Slavonic, IE) Domain phonology Subdomain phoneme inventory Keywords laminal, trill Type rarissimum Universals violated none…
Posted in Raritätenkabinett
nonesuch 9: apical trills at three places of articulation (fronted alveolar, alveolar, retroflex) (see Image), both without and with palatalization Where found Toda (Dravidian) Domain…
Posted in Raritätenkabinett
rarissimum 10: velar fricative (see Image) as the sole fricative (if this is what it is), rather than the expected /s/ Where found Iwaidjian (non-Pama…
Posted in Raritätenkabinett
nonesuch 11: eight or nine liquids, with three rhotics and five or six laterals Where found Iwaidjian (non-Pama Nyungan, Australian) Domain phonology Subdomain phoneme inventory…
Posted in Raritätenkabinett
rarum 14: lack of bilabial nasal and possibly bilabial stops Where found Iroquois; Tlingit (Na-Dene) Domain phonology Subdomain phoneme inventory Keywords bilabial, nasal, stops Type…
Posted in Raritätenkabinett
rarissimum 15: three-way quantity contrast of both vowels and consonants Where found Estonian (?), Livonian (?), Saami (?) (all Uralic) Domain phonology Subdomain quantity Keywords…
Posted in Raritätenkabinett
nonesuch 16: phonemic contrast between diphthong and vowel followed by glide (see Image) Where found Maastricht Dutch (Germanic, IE) Domain phonology Subdomain phoneme inventory Keywords…
Posted in Allgemein, and Raritätenkabinett
nonesuch 1: b-ö-f ‘ox’ Where found French Domain lexicon Subdomain sound-meaning matching Keywords cattle Type nonesuch Universals violated none Source Saussure, Ferdinand de (1985). Cours…
rarum (or infrequentale?) 17: Resolved Moraic Trochee as foot type Where found (esp. older) Germanic (IE); Cayuvava (Andean-Equatorial) (?) Domain phonology Subdomain foot structure Keywords…
Posted in Raritätenkabinett
rarissimum 28: phonemic secondary ‘labio-palatalization’(simultaneous labial rounding and palatal constriction) Where found Twi (Kwa, Niger-Congo); French (Romance, IE) Domain phonology Subdomain phoneme inventory Keywords palatalization…