Universal 804: Vh ⇒ hV; orpostvocalic aspiration ⇒ prevocalic aspiration Original The sequence hV occurs more often than Vh. Standardized IF there is postvocalic aspiration…
Category: Universals Archive
Universals Archive
Universal 820: Rel N ⇒ ¬ relative pronoun;
N Rel ⇒ personal pronoun/relative pronoun
Posted in Universals Archive
Universal 820: Rel N ⇒ ¬ relative pronoun;N Rel ⇒ personal pronoun/relative pronoun Original Prenominal relative clauses never use relative pronouns and only sporadically present…
Universal 836: Voiceless l ⇒ Voiced l Original If there is a voiceless l, there will be a voiced l as well. Standardized IF there…
Universal 852:
Posted in Universals Archive
Universal 852: Original In final clusters, the existence of at least one nasal + liquid cluster implies the existence of at least one obstruent +…
Universal 868:
Posted in Universals Archive
Universal 868: Original In final clusters, the existing of at least one sequence consisting of two voiced obstruents implies the existence of at least one…
Universal 884: front rounded vowel ⇒ front unrounded vowel Original A front rounded vowel implies a front unrounded vowel at the same tongue height. Standardized…
Universal 900: antipassive ⇔ imperfective aspect & low-level object individuation
Posted in Universals Archive
Universal 900: antipassive ⇔ imperfective aspect & low-level object individuation Original The antipassive is correlative with the imperfective aspect and low-level object individuation. Whenever antipassive…
Universal 916:
Posted in Universals Archive
Universal 916: Original As the number of contrastive segments in a language increases, the average length of a word will decrease. Standardized The more numerous…
Universal 932:
Posted in Universals Archive
Universal 932: Original If a language possesses voiceless syllabic stops, then it possesses voiced syllabic stops. Standardized IF there are voiceless syllabic stops, THEN there…
Universal 948:
Posted in Universals Archive
Universal 948: Original In languages with phonemic stress, the number of phonemic contrasts in stressed syllables will be greater than or equal to the number…