nonesuch 86: determiners and modifiers agreeing in all relevant agreement categories (gender, number, case) with only one of two or more conjoined nouns sharing these determiners and modifiers (rather than with both, relying on some resolution strategy in case of conflicting agreement categories), the agreed-with noun being the last (rather than the first) as well as the most distant conjunct (with nouns coming after determiners and modifiers)
Rohdenburg, Günter (19??). Zur Aussparung von Possessivpronomen und anderen Elementen bei der Reduktion koordinierter Nominalausdrücke im Nordniederdeutschen. Korrespondenzblatt für niederdeutsche Sprachforschung ??. Plank, Frans (1991). On determiners. 1. Ellipsis and inflection; 2. Co-occurrence of possessives. EUROTYP Working Papers VII/11. Corbett, Greville G. (2002). Types of typology, illustrated from gender systems. In Frans Plank (ed.), Noun Phrase Structure in the Languages of Europe. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.