rarum 93: two object arguments in one construction showing the same syntactic and morphological behaviour as the single object of a primary transitive verb (lgs…
rarum 93
Posted in Raritätenkabinett
Das grammatische Raritätenkabinett & The Universals Archive
morphology, syntax
Posted in Raritätenkabinett
rarum 93: two object arguments in one construction showing the same syntactic and morphological behaviour as the single object of a primary transitive verb (lgs…
Posted in Raritätenkabinett
rarissimum 78: expression of numerical approximation (‘about 5’, ‘about the fifth’) by inversion of word order from Numeral + Noun to N + Num Where…
Posted in Raritätenkabinett
rarissimum 94: a benefactive applied object in a multiple objects construction behaving like the single object of a primary transitive verb, esp. with regard to…
Posted in Raritätenkabinett
rarum 79: (finite) verb-second word order in main declarative clauses (i.e., specifically VERB-second rather than more generally clitic-second or X-second) Where found many Germanic languages…
Posted in Raritätenkabinett
rarum 95: passive constructions, with subject demoted, corresponding to active ones containing a reflexive pronoun (or reflexive marker) as a direct or indirect object, with…
Posted in Raritätenkabinett
rarissimum 80: (finite) verb-second word order in main declarative clauses generally optional, but obligatory if the first constituent is the unmarked narrative consecutive adverb ‘then’…
Posted in Raritätenkabinett
rarum 96: grammaticalization of these verbs, denoting activities with subjects in an agentive role, as auxiliaries of passives where non-agents are promoted to subject: (i)…
Posted in Raritätenkabinett
rarissimum 81: (finite) verb-second word order in main declarative clauses only if the first constituent is an adverbial with strong negative force (such as never…
Posted in Raritätenkabinett
rarum 120: interrogative pro verbs Where found Southern Paiute (Uto-Aztecan); Chukchi (Chukchi-Kamchatkan); Mandarin (Chinese, Sino-Tibetan); Yankunytjatjara (aka Western Desert (PN), Kayardild ((non?) PN), and many…
Posted in Raritätenkabinett
rarum 82: parasitic gaps (rather than an overt resumptive pronouns), licensed in main clauses if and only if a coreferential NP in a topicalized, fronted…