nonesuch 98: the two meanings ‘sun’ and ‘future tense’ expressed by the same form (because the future is grammaticalized from the adverb sina ‘tomorrow’, which…
nonesuch 98
Posted in Raritätenkabinett
Das grammatische Raritätenkabinett & The Universals Archive
subdomain: syllable structure
Posted in Raritätenkabinett
nonesuch 98: the two meanings ‘sun’ and ‘future tense’ expressed by the same form (because the future is grammaticalized from the adverb sina ‘tomorrow’, which…
Posted in Raritätenkabinett
rarum 123: the verb ‘to eat’ grammaticalized as middle or auto-benefactive marker (‘to do something for oneself, on one’s own’), possibly via a meaning ‘to…
Posted in Raritätenkabinett
rarum 97: verbs of cognition (especially ‘to think, know, remember’ – more precisely, non-communicative cognition, as opposed to cognition based on communication, such as ‘to…