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Universal 1738:

Posted in Universals Archive

Universal 1738:

On the NP analysis pronouns are arguably anomalous in lacking an overt noun head – unless pronouns are taken to be a kind of noun, a problematic view given that they cannot in general be modified by Dets (*this him, *the me).
On the NP analysis pronouns are arguably anomalous in lacking an overt noun head – unless pronouns are taken to be a kind of noun, a problematic view given that they cannot in general be modified by Dets (*this him, *the me).
personal pronoun, definite article
Lyons 1999
For languages allowing combination of personal pronouns and definite articles see Counterexamples to #1744. In Muna (Sulawesi, Western Malayo-Polynesian), personal pronouns which head an NP can be modified by a demonstrative pronoun, lit. ‘I here/this’, ‘you there’. There is a difference between ‘I this’ and ‘I that’ constructions, whereby the former is used when the speaker gives objective information about himself, and he uses the latter when he gives his opinion about something else (van den Berg 1989).In Acehnese (Malayic, Western Malayo-Polynesian), peronal pronouns can also be modified by demonstratives. Interestingly, Acehnese1Incl pronouns is formed by the attachment of demosntrative pronouns ‘this’ to a 1Pl pronon (Durie 1985).Lingala (Bantu, Niger-Congo) uses combinations ‘personal pronoun + demonstrative’ to denote emphasis (Toporova 1979). In Somali (Cushitic, Afro-Asiatic), ‘short’ (verkürzte) pronominal forms are typically accompanied by a preceding demonstrative for the same purpose (Reinisch 1903).In Wintu (Wintuan) and Basque (isolate) emphatic pronouns are formed by affixing demonstratives to the same pronoun (Pitkin 1984, Saltarelli 1988).In Vakh dialect of Chanty (Ob-Ugric, Finno-Ugric, Uralic), intensifiers are formed by attaching demonstrative stem (+ possessive affix) to a corresponding personal pronoun (Vértes 1967). (For details see Filimonova (forthcoming))

One Comment

  1. FP

    Cf. #1120, 1744.What is the claim, then? Pronouns do not take overt head nouns? Pronouns cannot be modified by determiners? (If an NP has a pronoun as its head, then it cannot have determiners.) Is the NP analysis assumed to be right?

    1. May 2020

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