The Compensatory Principle: The co-occurrence patterns of hetero-organic consonants across a vowel are such that if the first consonant is more sonorous than the second according to laryngeal specification, then the second consonant will be more sonorous according to place of articulation; if the first consonant is more sonorous than the second according to place of articulation, then the second will be more sonorous according to laryngeal specification.
The Compensatory Principle: The co-occurrence patterns of hetero-organic consonants across a vowel are such that if the first consonant is more sonorous than the second according to laryngeal specification, then the second consonant will be more sonorous according to place of articulation; if the first consonant is more sonorous than the second according to place of articulation, then the second will be more sonorous according to laryngeal specification.
phonotactics, consonant, sonority
a Kartveloversal rather than a universal
Georgian and other Kartvelian lgs; impressions elsewhere
Melikishvili proposes this as a generalization for Kartvelian, Butskhrikidze suggests it might be more general, being an instantiation of Sonority Sequencing.
Melikishvili proposes this as a generalization for Kartvelian, Butskhrikidze suggests it might be more general, being an instantiation of Sonority Sequencing.