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rarum 130

Posted in Raritätenkabinett

rarum 130: a basic colour term for undifferentiated YELLOW-GREEN-BLUE,
as a “catch-everything-else” category in addition to BLACK, WHITE, and RED

Where found
Arrernte (PN, Australian); Karajá (Macro-Ge); Lele (Chadic, Afroasiatic); Dazaga (Nilo-Saharan) (?); Chico (Maidu, Penutian) (?); Chinese (Sinitic) (?); Japanese (?)
basic terms
Universals violated
Berlin & Kay differentiation sequence
Kay, Paul & Louisa Maffi (1999). Color appearance and the emergence and evolution of basic color lexicons. American Anthropologist 101: 743-760.
Levinson, Stephen C. (2000). YĂ©lĂ® Dnye and the theory of basic color terms. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 10: 1-53.
Bailey, Ashlee C. (2001). On the non-existence of blue-yellow and red-green color terms. Studies in Language 25: 185-215.

One Comment

  1. FP

    The Emergence Hypothesis, considered as supplementary to the Berlin-Kay Differentiation Sequence which prohibits such basic terms, licenses such a basic colour term for speech communities where colour does not play a salient role in distinguishing objects.

    For Lele, a catch-all YELLOW-GREEN-BLUE is doubtful: in addition to ‘(intensely) black, dark/light blue’, ‘white’, and ‘red’, Frajzyngier’s recent grammar (2001: 88, 105-106) mentions two colour terms (which in this language are verbs), bole ‘range of colors covering all shades of green, blue, and also light yellow’ and wìlé ‘range of colors covering red, dark rusty color, pink, light brown, and clay color’.

    Frajzyngier, Zygmunt (2001). A Grammar of Lele. Stanford: CSLI Publications.

    1. May 2020

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