
The 34th South Asian Languages Analysis Roundtable (SALA-34) is going to be held at Department of Linguistics, University of Konstanz, Germany. Click here for a brief history of SALA.

Invited Speakers:
Gillian Ramchand (The Arctic University of Norway)
Sameer-ud-Dowla Khan (Reed College, Portland).

A one-day workshop on the prosody of South Asian languages will be organized before the main conference on June 18.

Furthermore, Anoop Mahajan, Rajesh Bhatt, and Veneeta Dayal will organize a special session in memory of Alice Davison and James W. Gair. Detailed information will be uploaded soon.


Oral presentations are scheduled for 30 minutes. Please aim for 20 min. long presentations and 10 min. for Q&A. A computer will be provided (Mac) at the venue but feel free to bring your own computer. If you are using slides, they should be uploaded and tested on the conference computer during the coffee or lunch break immediately preceding your presentation. This will also give you the chance to meet and introduce yourself to the session chair. Please provide your slides on a usb stick, in either .pptx or .pdf format, embedding fonts and sound- and video-files if necessary. A remote control with laser pointer will be provided.


It is recommended to print your posters in advance. You can put your posters up in the lunch break before the poster session. Fixing material will be provided on site. Recommended poster size is A0 portrait. Here and also here are some tips on designing an academic poster.

21st June 2018, PC: Sarveswaran Kengatharaiyer