Papers from the General Session
- Farrell Ackerman and Gert Webelhuth
The Construct Predicate: Empirical arguments and theoretical status
- Alex Alsina
Resultatives: A Joint Operation of Semantic and Syntactic Structures
- J. Gabriel Amores and Jose F. Quesada
Lekta: A tool for the development of efficient LFG-based Machine Translation systems
- I. Wayan Arka and Stephen Wechsler
Argument Structure and Linear Order in Balinese Binding
- Peter Austin
Ergativity, Clitics and Grammatical Relations in Sasak
(not submitted)
- Emily Bender
On the verbal status of Mandarin ba
(no longer available)
- Judith Berman
Topicalization vs. Left Dislocation of Sentential Arguments in German
- Adams Bodomo
Complex Verbal Predicates: the case of serial verbs in Dagaare and Akan
- Caroline Brun
Using Priority Union for Non-Constituent Coordination in LFG
(not submitted)
- Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King
Structural Topic and Focus without Movement
- Lian-Cheng Chief
An LFG Account of Mandarin Reflexive Verbs
(not submitted)
- Max Copperman and Frederique Segond
Computational grammars and ambiguity: the bare bones of the situation
- Richard Crouch and Josef van Genabith
Context Change and Underspecification in Glue Language Semantics
- Christopher Culy
Personal Prounouns and systems of pronominal binding
(not submitted)
- Thierry Declerck
Modeling Information-Passing with the LFG-Workbench
- Anette Frank
A Note on Complex Predicate Formation: Evidence from Auxiliary Selection, Reflexivization,
and Past Participle Agreement in French and Italian
- Josef van Genabith and Richard Crouch
F-structures, QLFs and UDRSs
- Esther Koenig and Uwe Reyle
A General Reasoning Scheme for Underspecified Representations
- Tibor Laczkó
Lexical Mapping Theory and Possessors in Noun Phrases
(not submitted)
- Helge Lodrup
Underspecification in Lexical Mapping Theory: the Case of Norwegian Existentials
and Resultatives
(not submitted)
- Maria Teresa Lopez and Maria Gabriela Fernandez-Diaz
Integration of Semantic Patterns and Statistical Information for an LFG-based
(not submitted)
- Christopher D. Manning
Argument Structure as a Locus for Binding Theory
(pdf -- a4,
pdf )
- John T. Maxwell III and Ronald M. Kaplan
Unification-based Parsers that Automatically Take Advantage of Context Freeness
- John T. Maxwell III and Christopher D. Manning
A Theory of Non-constituent Coordination based on Finite-State Rules
- K.P. Mohanan and Tara Mohanan
Semantic Representation in the Architecture of LFG
(not submitted)
- Wataru Nakamura
Case Spreading/Stacking in Korean: Evidence for the Macrorole Tier
(not submitted)
- Paula S. Newman
Representing 2P Clitic Placement in LFG
- Rachel Nordlinger and Joan Bresnan
Nonconfigurational Tense in Wambaya
- Bjarne Oersnes
Prominence relations and a-structure: evidence from Danish synthetic compounding
- Owen Rambow
Word Order, Clause Union, and the Formal Machinery of Syntax
- Malka Rappaport Hovav and Beth Levin
Two Types of Derived Accomplishments
- Victoria Rosén
The LFG Architecture and Verbless Syntactic Constructions
- Mariko Saiki
An Analysis of the Passive in Japanese: where does the Indirect Passive
in Japanese come from?
(not submitted)
- Christoph Schwarze
The Syntax of Romance Auxiliaries
- Ida Toivonen
Finnish Possessive Suffixes in Lexical-Functional Grammar
(not submitted)
- Nigel Vincent and Kersti Börjars
Suppletion and Syntactic Theory
Keynote Addresses
- Joan Bresnan
LFG in an OT Setting: Modelling Competition and Economy
- Ronald M. Kaplan
A probabilistic approach to Lexical-Functional analysis
Further Presentations:
These presentations were not submitted as papers either to the original
hardcopy proceedings, or to this on-line version. But - you could still
try your luck by asking the presenters for a copy of their paper in retrospect
(or at least a copy of the handout/slides).
Conference/Workshop Presentations
- Mary Dalrymple, John Lamping and Vijay Saraswat
Levels of Semantic Representation in LFG
- Elisabet Engdahl
A multi-dimensional approach to focus-background realisation
(not submitted)
- Stella Markantonatou
Complex Predicate Formation as semantic allomorphism: the case of English
(not submitted)
- Tara Mohanan
Word order and locative inversion: implications for argument hierarchy
(not submitted)
- Jane Simpson
Preferred word order and grammaticalisation of associated path in some
Australian languages
(not submitted)
Maintained by Miriam
Created: December 1996
Last updated: September 2014