Proceedings of LFG13 Table of Contents
- Yasir Alotaibi, Muhammad Alzaidi, Maris Camilleri, Shaimaa ElSadek and Louisa Sadler
Psychological Predicates and Verbal Complementation in Arabic
Abstract, Pages 6-26 - I Wayan Arka
Nominal Aspect in Marori
Abstract, Pages 27-47 - Doug Arnold and Louisa Sadler
Displaced Dependent Constructions
Abstract, Pages 48-68 - Daniele Artoni and Marco Magnani
LFG Contributions in Second Language Acquisition Research: The Development of Case in Russian L2
Abstract, Pages 69-89 - Oleg Belyaev
Optimal Agreement at M-structure: Person in Dargwa
Abstract, Pages 90-110 - Ansu Berg, Rigardt Pretorius and Laurette Pretorius
The Representation of Setswana Double Objects in LFG
Abstract, Pages 111-130 - Tina Bögel
A Prosodic Resolution of German Case Ambiguities
Abstract, Pages 131-151 - Kersti Börjars and John Payne
Dimensions of Variation in the Expression of Functional Features: Modelling Definiteness in LFG
Abstract, Pages 152-170 - George Aaron Broadwell
An Emphatic Auxiliary Construction for Emotions in Copala Triqui
Abstract, Pages 171-190 - George Aaron Broadwell and Hilaria Cruz
The Evolution of Case in Two Otomanguean Languages of Mexico
Abstract, (not submitted) - Miriam Butt and Ashwini Deo
A Historical Perspective on Dative Subjects in Indo-Aryan
Abstract, (not submitted, slides ) - Özlem Çetinoğlu, Sina Zarrieß and Jonas Kuhn
Dependency-based Sentence Simplification for Increasing Deep LFG Parsing Coverage
Abstract, Pages 191-211 - Elizabeth Christie
Result XPs and the Argument-Adjunct Distinction
Abstract, Pages 212-231 - Mary Dalrymple, Ronald M. Kaplan, and Tracy Holloway King
Economy of Expression
Abstract, (not submitted) - Cheikh Bamba Dione
Valency Change and Complex Predicates in Wolof: An LFG Account
Abstract, Pages 232-252 - Lachlan Duncan
Non-verbal Predicates in K'ichee' Mayan: An LFG Approach
Abstract, Pages 253-273 - Dag Haug
Partial Control and the Semantics of Anaphoric Control in LFG
Abstract, Pages 274-294 - Annette Hautli-Janisz
Moving Right Along: Motion Verb Sequences in Urdu
Abstract, Pages 295-315 - Petr Homola and Matt Coler
Causatives as Complex Predicates without the Restriction Operator
Abstract, Pages 316-334 - Bozhil Hristov
Defacing Agreement
Abstract, Pages 335-355 - Anna Kibort
Objects and Lexical Mapping Theory
Abstract, (not submitted) - Noriko Koyama
The Grammaticality of Japanese Passives
Abstract, (not submitted) - Jonas Kuhn
On the ‘Spirit of LFG’ in Current Computational Linguistics
Abstract, Pages 356-376 - Tibor Laczkó
Hungarian Particle Verbs Revisited: Representational, Derivational, and Implementational Issues from an LFG Perspective
Abstract, Pages 377-397 - Helge Lødrup
Complex Predicates in Norwegian: New Evidence from Passive and Impersonal Sentences
Abstract, (not submitted) - John Lowe
(De)Selecting Arguments for Transitive and Predicated Nominals
Abstract, Pages 398-418 - Louise Mycock
Discourse Functions of Question Words
Abstract, Pages 419-439 - Louise Mycock and John Lowe
The Prosodic Marking of Discourse Functions
Abstract, Pages 440-460 - Prerna Nadathur
Weak Crossover and the Direct Association Hypothesis
Abstract, Pages 461-481 - Adam Przepiórkowski and Agnieszka Patejuk
The Syntax of Distance Distributivity in Polish: Weak Heads in LFG via Restriction
Abstract, Pages 482-502 - Filip Skwarski
Mapping Issues in Polish Clausal Arguments
Abstract, (not submitted) - Peter Szűcs
The Hungarian Operator Raising Revisited
Abstract, (not submitted) - Ida Toivonen
English Benefactive NPs
Abstract, Pages 503-523
Date last updated: December 2013