Proceedings of the LFG'19 Conference

Table of Contents

Download all of the following pdf files as one big document.

  • Contributions to the Workshop
    • Andrews, Avery (ANU)Incremental Morphology in LFGabstract, paper not submitted
    • Bano, Saira, Butt, Miriam (University of Konstanz) and Deo, Ashwini (Ohio State University)Achievement Predicates and Tense Paradigms in Hazaragiabstract, pages 394–414
    • Battin, Jacqueline (ANU)An LFG Account of Case in Nyiyaparliabstract, paper not submitted
    • Gray, James and Gregor, Tina (ANU/CoEDL)Syncretism Patterns in Yelmek Verbal Suppletionabstract, paper not submitted
    • Sadler, Louisa (University of Essex)Agreement Target with Multiple Controllers: A Feature Sharing Approachabstract, paper not submitted
    • Yeh, Li-Chen (The Australian National University)The Mismatch between Morphological Symmetricality and Syntactic Ergativity in Pazehabstract, pages 415–430

  • Maintained by Miriam Butt