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Proceedings of the LFG'20 Conference

Table of Contents

Download all of the following pdf files as one big document.
  • Alharthy, Fatema (University of Essex)

    Masdar Constructions in (Southern) Arabic

  • Alsina, Alex (Pompeu Fabra University)

    Obligatory clitic expression, clitic omission, and the morphology-syntax interface

  • Belyaev, Oleg (Lomonosov Moscow State Univeristy/Institute of Linguistics RAS/Pushkin State Russian Language Institute)

    ``Verbal case'' in Ashti Dargwa

  • Bögel, Tina and Raach, Lea (University of Konstanz)

    Swabian ed and edda: Negation at the interfaces

  • Booth, Hannah (Ghent University and University of Konstanz)

    Argument configurationality and discourse configurationality in Old Icelandic

  • Butt, Miriam (University of Konstanz), Rajamathangi, S. (Jawaharlal Nehru University ) and Sarveswaran, Kengatharaiyer (University of Moratuwa)

    Mixed Categories in Tamil via Complex Categories

  • Camillieri, Maris (University of Essex)

    Arabic predicative locative structures: Insights for LFG

  • Dalrymple, Mary (University of Oxford), Patejuk, Agnieszka ( University of Oxford/Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences) and Zymla, Mark-Matthias (University of Konstanz)

    XLE+Glue -- A new tool for integrating semantic analysis in XLE

  • Engdahl, Elisabet (University of Gothenburg) and Zaenen, Annie (Stanford University)

    Grammatical function selection in Swedish object shift

  • Findlay, Jamie Y. (University of Oxford)

    Mapping Theory and the anatomy of a verbal lexical entry

  • Gotham, Matthew (University of Oxford)

    Intensional independence without world variables in LFG+Glue

  • Hristov, Bozhil (University of Sofia)

    A staggering four doctoral dissertations: the AANN construction revisited

  • Huang, Huade (Australian National University)

    Evidentiality and engagement in Kua’nsi: an LFG account

  • Jones, Stephen M. (University of Groningen)

    Multifunctional Dutch `er'

  • Kaplan, Ronald M. (Stanford University) and Wedekind, Jürgen (University of Copenhagen)

    Zipper-driven Parsing for LFG Grammars

  • Lam, Chit Fung (The University of Manchester)

    Functional and Anaphoric Control in Mandarin Chinese

  • Lødrup, Helge (University of Oslo)

    Are there arguments for the subject analysis of Mainland Scandinavian presentational sentences?

  • Laczkó, Tibor (Károli Gáspár University), Szűcs, Péter and Rákosi, György (University of Debrecen)

    On control and binding in Hungarian complex event nominals

  • Lovestrand, Joseph (SOAS University of London)

    F-structure and s-structure of Urdu complex predicates

  • Lui, Wilson (University of Cambridge)

    Locative Inversion in Cantonese

  • Melchin, Paul B. (Carleton University), Asudeh, Ash (University of Rochester/Carleton University) and Siddiqi, Dan (Carleton University)

    Ojibwe Agreement in Lexical-Realizational Functional Grammar

  • Nikitina, Tatiana (CNRS-LLACAN)

    Dummy auxiliaries in Songhay and Mande: An LFG + Stochastic OT account.

  • Nikitina, Tatiana (CNRS-LLACAN) and Silué, Lacina (INALCO)

    Noun classes in Kafire (Senufo): Between a semantic and a formal category

  • Panova, Anastasia (National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow))

    A case of morphologically bound complementation in Abaza: an LFG analysis

  • Rajeg, Gede Primahadi W., Rajeg, I Made (Universitas Udayana) and Arka, I Wayan (Australian National University/Universitas Udayana)

    Corpus-based approach meets LFG: the puzzling case of voice alternations of kena-verbs in Indonesian

  • Rosén, Victoria, Dyvik, Helge, Meurer, Paul and De Smedt, Koenraad (University of Bergen)

    Creating and exploring LFG treebanks

  • Simpson, Jane Helen (Australian National University)

    Qualitative comparison in Warlpiri: semantic case, adposition and/or derivational affix?

  • Thomas, Amanda L. R. (University of Oxford)

    Double past participles in Portuguese: an LFG and PFM analysis

  • Yang, Fengrong (Renmin University of China)

    BEI-passive revisited: a constraint-based approach

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