Each COST action is formally managed by the Management Committee (MC), which consists of up to two formal representatives and up to two substitutes per country nominated by their COST National Coordinators.These nominated researchers are in charge of:

  • Planning the Action's activities in compliance with the strategy and objectives presented in the Action’s Memorandum of Understanding. These activities are reflected in the yearly Work & Budget Plan.
  • Coordination, implementation, and management of these activities.
  • Supervising the appropriate allocation and use of the COST funding.

The current list of the PARSEME MC members is officially published and updated by COST.

Specific rules apply to MC meetings:

  • MC meetings are convened by the MC chair or at the request of at least three participating COST Countries.
  • They take place at least once a year.
  • They can be can be held only if at least two-thirds of the participating COST Countries are represented.
  • Decisions are taken by simple majority vote of the MC Members present or represented.
  • Each participating country has one vote.

More detailed rules are defined in the COST Action Management guide.