Current calls
Past calls
International conference on Computational and Corpus-based Phraseology (EUROPHRAS 2017 ), 13-14 November 2017, London, UK. Call deadline: 29 May 2017
The 3rd Workshop on Multi-word Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology (MUMTTT 2017 ), 14 November 2017, London, UK. Call deadline: 29 May 2017
PARSEME shared task on automatic identification of verbal MWEs, 4 April 2017, Valencia, Spain. System submission deadline: 27 January 2017
Multi-Word Expressions Workshop at EACL 2017 , 4 April 2017, Valencia, Spain. Call deadline: 22 January 2017
Detecting Minimal Semantic Units and their Meanings (DiMSUM) - a shared task on tagging English sentences with MWEs + noun and verb supersenses; part of the International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation 2016 (SemEval-2016 )
The seventh FLaRN Conference (Formulaic Language Research Network), 28-30 June 2016, Vilnius, Lithuania. Call deadline: 1st February 2016
Call for Guest Editors and Thematic Proposals for Lingvisticae Investigationes (International Journal of Linguistics and Language Resources). Call deadline: 30 October 2015
The Fourth International Workshop on Systems and Frameworks for Computational Morphology (SFCM 2015), 17-18 September 2015, University of Stuttgart, Germany. Submission deadline: 10 April 2015 .
The 14th International Conference on Parsing Technologies (IWPT 2015), 22-24 July 2015, Bilbao, Spain. Submission deadline: 8 May 2015
Mutliword Expressions: Insights from a Multi-lingual Perspective , special volume related to the topics of PARSEME WG1 . Submission deadline: 10 January 2015
Workshop on Lexical and Grammatical Resources for Language Processing (LG-LP 2014), 23 or 24 August 2014, Dublin, Ireland, co-located with COLING-2014 . Submission deadline: 2 May 2014 .
Computational, Cognitive, and Linguistic Approaches to the Analysis of Complex Words and Collocations (CCLCC 2014), workshop organized as part of the European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information ESSLLI 2014 , August 11-15 2014 (ESSLLI first week), Tübingen, Germany. Submission deadline: 8 March 2014 .
International Nooj2014 Conference (NooJ2014), 3-5 June 2014 - Sassari (Italy). Submission deadline: 1st February 2014 .
Multi-Word Expressions Workshop (MWE 2014), 26-27 April 2014, co-located with the EACL 2014 conference. Co-organized by PARSEME. Submission deadline: 30 January 2014 .
Multi-word Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology , Workshop at the MT Summit XIV in Nice, September 3, 2013.