- Veronika Vincze, Istv√°n Nagy T. "Dependency Relations of Light Verb Constructions in Four Languages"
- Petya Osenova, Kiril Simov "The Catena Approach: From Syntax to Compound Morphology"
- Martin Volk, Fabienne Leuenberger "Annotating MWEs in existing treebanks"
- Patrick Hanks, Michael Oakes "Word Association Measures for Finding Verb Sense Patterns"
- Johanna Monti, Mario Monteleone, Maria Pia di Buono "Multi-word processing in domain specific Cross-Language Information Retrieval applications: integration of ontology-based methods and Linguistic resources"
- Katerina Zdravkova, Aleksandar Petrovski "Evaluation of the system for extraction of multi-word expressions and prediction of their translation"
- Eric Wehrli "Impact of noun-prep-noun collocations on parsing results"
- Jakub Waszczuk "Modeling syntactic properties of MWEs in LFG"
- Kostadin Cholakov, Valia Kordoni "Better Statistical Machine Translation through Linguistic Treatment of Phrasal Verbs"
- Kayla Jacobs, Alon Itai, Shuly Wintner "Acronym Dictionary Construction and Disambiguation"
- Niki Samaridi, Stella Markantonatou "Classification of Modern Greek Verb MWEs"
- Timm Lichte, Laura Kallmeyer "Transparency in multi-word expressions: An LTAG approach"
- Petter Haugereid "VP idioms in Norwegian: A subconstructional approach"
- Oksana Petrova "Formal representation of phraseological units in Tiernet Conceptual Semantics" (to confirm)
- Eduard Bejček, Pavel Straňák "What is Inside Llewyn Davis? Inner structure of MWEs"
- Bojana Đorđević "Morphological Annotation of Single Words and MWUs for the Future Serbian Treebank"
- Agata Savary "Towards the Cross-Roads of MWE Identification and Tree Correction"
- Chaya Liebeskind "Statistical Thesaurus Construction for a Morphologically Rich Language"
- Matthieu Constant, Cvetana Krstev, Dusko Vitas "Joint Compound/Named Entity Recognition and POS Tagging for Serbian: Preliminary Results"
- Istv√°n Nagy T., Veronika Vincze "Automatic Detection of Light Verb Constructions in Different Languages With Syntax-based Methods"
- Stella Markantonatou, Niki Samaridi "New LFG Grammatical Functions (GFs) for verb MWEs"
- Peter Juel Henrichsen "MWE parsing as deduction"
- Aleksandar Petrovski, Katerina Zdravkova "How to create a MWE lexical entry?"
- Amalia Todirascu "An LMF Model for a French-Romanian Collocation Dictionary"
- Agnieszka Patejuk, Elżbieta Hajnicz, Adam Przepiórkowski, Marcin Woliński "A stronger formalism for specifying lexicalised arguments in Walenty - a valence dictionary of Polish"
- Heiki-Jaan Kaalep "MWU generation breaking down: unpredictable inflectional forms in Estonian noun phrase paradigms"
- Federico Sangati, Andreas van Cranenburgh, Johanna Monti "Identifying Multi-Word Expressions from Parallel Corpora with Kernel Methods and Crowdsourcing"
- Dimitrios Kokkinakis "Improving Parsing Medical Discourse using Cascades of Multiword Expression Recognition"
- Cerstin Mahlow "Systematic overview of verbal and nominal components in German and Spanish phrasemes"
- Gerold Schneider, Patricia Ronan "Extracting English light verb constructions"