Note: Notifications of acceptance and comments by the reviewers and the editors will be sent out till mid November!
Important things for the final submission:
- Have your submission checked by a native speaker.
- Respect the Leipzig glossing rules.
- Respect the formatting and citation rules of Language Science Press.
Technical issues:
Latex submission:
There are two options:
Option 1: Work with a very neutral latex style and send us your files so that we can transform them into the required format.
Option 2:
- Download the file that contains the skeleton of the book:
- Unzip the file.
- Edit only the files: localbibliography.bib and chapters/01.tex
- To latex the book, run make realclean and then make from the command line. Please ignore the first pages (like the cover).
Word submission:
Please feel free to send us doc files and we will try to convert them.
Please submit:
- Your paper.
- A letter specifying how you incorporated the comments of the reviewers and the editors.
- Submission of the revised versions: End February 2016
- Reactions on the revised versions: Mid April 2016
- Final version: Mid May, 2016