Internal organization

Leader: Mike Rosner (MT)
Vice-leader: Matthieu Constant (FR)

Members (by 4.5.2014)

Number:  38
Countries:  21
Female/Male:  16/22
ESR/non-ESR:  19/19




  • Elaborating the notion of hybridity.
  • Improving our understanding of how these may be applied to the processing of MWEs.
  • Investigating the relation between hybrid processing methods and multilingual applications.

Expected outcomes

  • Enhancing statistical parsing with linguistically motivated resources such as MWE lexicons and valence dictionaries, e.g. by MWE-oriented reranking of results produced by state-of-the-art parsers.
  • Enhancing symbolic parsing of MWEs with probabilistic scores, in order to avoid spurious syntactic ambiguities while parsing MWEs;
  • Developing guidelines for the extraction of statistical information from various unlabelled data sources, parallel corpora, automatically annotated corpora, treebanks and for encoding it in lexicons.

Working Documents


Year 1 (till March 2014)


Year 2 (till March 2015)


Year 3 (till March 2016)

Year 4 (till March 2017)

STSMs with relation to WG 3