Event title: Management Committee Meeting 6
Location: Ia»ôi, Romania
Date: 23-09-2015
- agenda
- feedback from the Valletta meeting including the assessment of the whole action by the participants (see a summary of the main advatages and ideas for future)
- 7th general meeting
- proposal from the Croatian Language Technologies Society and the University of Zagreb, Croatia
- 2nd training school
- proposal from the University of Wolverhampton, the United Kingdom (with a commercial proposal)
- proposal from the University of La Rochelle, France
- proposal from the University of Belgrade, Serbia
- proposal from the University of Olsztyn, Poland
- comparative cost estimation of the 4 proposals
- outcome of the e-vote
- Member parties (countries): 30
- Voting parties: 23
- Absence of reply: 7
- In favor of Wolverhampton: 7
- In favor of La Rochelle: 15
- Abstaining: 1
- The 2nd training school wil be hosted by La Rochelle, France