Event title: Shared task Annotathon 1
Location: Struga, FYR Macedonia
Date: 7-8 April 2016
- slides on recent progress in the shared task (by Veronika)
- Romance group feedback to the guidelines v5 (by Marie and Carlos)
- advances in the group of "other" languages (by Voula)
- slides on annotation tools (by Federico)
- annotation validation procedure (by Behrang and Federico)
- phase 2 annotation validator (by Behrang and Federico)
- test files for FLAT in the FOLIA format (by Federico)
- guidelines for testing FLAT and PARSEME-BOT annotation tools (by Federico) - to be performed by all language leaders, votes are collected by Veronika and Federico
- minutes from the Annotathon, with a TODO list (by Agata)