Papers in peer-reviewed journals and collections of papers
- Biezma, María. 2018a. Non-informative assertions. Ms. University of Konstanz. Under review.
- Biezma, María. 2018b. Givenness and the difference between wh-fronted and wh-in-situ questions in Spanish. In J. Berns, H. Jacobs, and D. Nouveau, eds., Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 13, pages 21-39. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
- Biezma, María, and Kyle Rawlins. 2017a. Or what? Semantics and Pragmatics 10(16). DOI: 10.3765/sp.10.16.
- Kaiser, Georg A., Katharina Kaiser & Aikaterini-Lida Kalouli. (in preparation). Wh-interrogatives in Romance bible translations. What parallel texts can tell us about word order variation and change. In A. Hautli-Jansz, Aikterina Kalouli & T. Scheffler, eds., Questions at the Interface of Theoretical and Computational Linguistics. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Peer-reviewed conference articles
- Biezma, María. (in preparation). Presupposing questions. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 23, Autonomous University of Barcelona (conference held on September 5‚ 2018).
- Biezma, María and Kyle Rawlins. 2017b. Rhetorical questions: Severing questioning from asking. In D. Burgdorf, J. Collard, S. Maspong, and B. Stefansdottir, eds., Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 37, pages 302-322. DOI: 10.3765/salt.v27i0.4155.
- Biezma, María and Kyle Rawlins. 2016. Or what?: Challenging the speaker. In C. Hammerly and B. Prickett, eds., Proceedings of the Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistics Society (NELS 46), Vol. I, pages 93-106. Amherst, MA: GLSA.
- Kalouli, Aikaterini-Lida, Katharina Kaiser, Annette Hautli-Janisz, Georg A. Kaiser, & Miriam Butt. 2018. A multilingual approach to question classification. In: N. Calzolari (Conference chair), K. Choukri, C. Cieri, T. Declerck, S. Goggi, K. Hasida, H. Isahara, B. Maegaard, J. Mariani, H. Mazo, A. Moreno, J. Odijk, S. Piperidis & T. Tokunaga (eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018). Miyazaki-Japan: European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 7-12 May 2018.
- Georg A. Kaiser, Miriam Butt, Aikaterini-Lida Kalouli, Rebecca Kehlbeck, Rita Sevastjanova, Katherina Kaiser. 2019. ParHistVis: Visualization of Parallel Multilingual Historical Data. In: N. Tahmasebi, L. Borin, A. Jatowt et alii (eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change, pages 109-114. Stroudsburg: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).
Peer-reviewed talks (conference talks whose papers are cited above are not repeated here)
- Biezma, María, Miriam Butt and Farhat Jabeen. 2018. Polar Questions vs. Kya Questions in Hindi/Urdu. GLOW 41, Budapest, April 10-14, 2018. (Cooperation with P4)
- Biezma, María, Miriam Butt and Farhat Jabeen. 2017. Interpretation of Urdu/Hindi polar kya. XPrag Workshop on ‚Not-at-issue meaning and information structure, University of Oslo, May 8-10 2017. (Cooperation with P4)
- Dold, Simon, Ricardo Etxepare and Georg Kaiser. 2017. Non-Romance structures in Romance interrogatives. XXXV Deutscher Romanistentag. Universität Zürich, October 2017.
- Kaiser, Georg A. 2017. A ordem de palavras em interrogativas QU no portugues. Um estudo comparativo na base de textos paralelos. Travessias em lingua portuguesa: pesquisa e ensino. Universitat Foscari Venezia. 13-14 February 2017.
- Kaiser, Georg A. and Stefano Quaglia. 2017. Wortstellung und Wortstellungsvariation im Rätoromanischen. Eine Paralleltextstudie auf der Grundlage von Bibelübersetzungen. VII Colloquium Retoromanistich, San Martin de Tor, June 1-3, 2017.
- Kaiser, Katharina. 2017. On the syntax of wh-in-situ in French ‚A corpus-based analysis. Workshop on Romance Interrogatives, Konstanz, May 18, 2017.
- Kalouli, Aikaterini-Lida, Georg A. Kaiser and Katharina Kaiser. 2018. Word order change in Romance interrogatives. Implications from a parallel text analysis of Bible translations. Workshop Parallel text analysis in diachronic research. Marburg, Germany, February 22-23, 2018
- Wallner, Ramona. 2018. Prosody and Givenness.Workshop on Prosody and Meaning: Information Structure and Beyond (ProMAix). Aix-en-Provence, France. November 8
- Wallner, Ramona. 2018. How French in-situ questions are not linked to givenness. Recent Issues in the Syntax of Questions (RISQ). Konstanz, Germany. October 8-10
- Wallner, Ramona. 2018. How prosody explains a superficial givenness constraint on French wh-in-situ questions. 48th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, (LSRL 48), Toronto, Canada. April 25-28
- Wallner, Ramona. 2018. Givenness and French in-situ questions. XIV. LIMES-Colloquium, Konstanz, Germany. February 23-24
- Wallner, Ramona. 2018. French wh-in-situ questions: why givenness doesn’t explain all. The Geneva WH-orkshop on Optional Insituness (GenWh 2018), Geneva, Switzerland. January 16-18
- Zimmermann, Michael and Katharina Kaiser. 2018. Refining current insights into the wh-in-situ interrogative construction in French: the case of Contemporary Hexagonal French. Workshop Recent Issues in the Syntax of Questions. Konstanz, Germany. October 8-10.
Peer-reviewed poster presentations
- Kaiser, Katharina. 2018. Word order alternations in Portuguese and French wh-in-situ interrogatives. The Geneva WH-orkshop on Optional Insituness (GenWh 2018), Geneva, Switzerland. January 16-18
- Wallner, Ramona. 2017. French wh-in-situ questions have to be prosodically minimal, not given. Going Romance 31. Bucharest, Romania. December 07-09
Invited talks (selected)
- Biezma, María. 2018. Inquisitive assertions. Linguistics Colloquium, University of Ottawa, March 29th, 2018.
- Kaiser, Georg A. 2018. Syntactic variation in wh-interrogatives in Spanish. II Encuentro sobre Dialectos del Espanol / II Spanish Dialects Meeting, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Ciudad Real, May 17-18, 2018.
- Kaiser, Georg A. 2016. A la recherche du wh in-situ dans les langues romanes. Presentation d’une estude de corpus paralles. IKER, Campus de la Nive (UPPA). 7 juin 2016
- Wallner, Ramona. 2018. Wh in situ: enjeux empiriques et methodologiques. Séminaire MEX (méthodologies experimentales). University of Nantes, France. April 9
- Wallner, Ramona. 2018. French wh-in-situ questions – how prosody might explain a superficial givenness constraint. Séminaire SYNSEM (Syntaxe et Semantique). University of Nantes, France. April 6
Organized Workshops
- Recent Issues in the Syntax of Questions. October 8-10, 2018. (In cooperation with P1)
- Meaning in non-canonical questions. June 7 – 9, 2018. (In cooperation with P3)
- Romance Interrogatives‚ Linguistic Workshop on Interrogation in French, Italian and Spanish. May 18-19, 2017. (with Janina Reinhardt)
Project related theses
- Clima, Cristina. 2018. Analysis of wh-questions in Romanian. Master thesis, University of Konstanz.
Dold, Simon. 2018. Basque-Romance language contact? An empirical study on word order in interrogatives. Ph.D. thesis, University of Konstanz.
Schmid, Svenja. 2017. Kontaktbedingter Wandel des Spanischen in Deutschland. Eine generationsübergreifende Studie zur Subjektstellung in Interrogativsätzen von spanischen Herkunftssprechern und Immigranten. Exam thesis, University of Konstanz.