P1 Publications

Papers in peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, and collections of papers

  • Bayer, Josef. 2018. Criterial freezing in the syntax of particles. In J. Hartmann, M. Jäger, A. Kehl, A. Konietzko, and S. Winkler, eds., Freezing: Theoretical approaches and empirical domains, pages 225-263. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. [draft]
  • Bayer, Josef. 2017. Clitic denn and wh-movement. In C. Mayr and E. Williams, eds., Festschrift für Martin Prinzhorn, pages 1-11. Wien: Wiener Linguistische Gazette. [pdf]
  • Bayer, Josef and Lisa Lai-Shen Cheng. 2017. Wh-in-situ. In M. Everaert and H.C. van Riemsdijk, eds., The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Syntax. DOI: 10.1002/9781118358733.wbsyncom106 [draft]
  • Bayer, Josef. In press. Why doubling discourse particles? In L. Franco and P. Lorusso, eds., Linguistic Variation: Structure and Interpretation, Contributions in Honor of M. Rita Manzini. Berlin: De Gruyter. [draft]
  • Bayer, Josef, Jana Häussler and Markus Bader. 2016. A new diagnostic for cyclic wh-movement: Discourse particles in German questions. Linguistic Inquiry 47(4):591-629. [link]
  • Beltrama, Andrea. 2018. Metalinguistic just and simply: exploring emphatic exclusives. In S. Maspong, B. Stefánsdóttir, K. Blake and F. Davis, eds., Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 28. pp. 307–324. LSA Publications. [link]
  • Beltrama, Andrea and Emily Hanink. 2018. Marking imprecision, expressing surprise. Like between hedging and mirativity. Journal of Linguistics. Online first, DOI:10.1017/S0022226718000270. [link]
  • Czypionka, Anna, Mariya Kharaman, Josef Bayer, Maribel Romero and Carsten Eulitz. 2022. Licensing question-sensitive discourse particles: Evidence from grammaticality judgments, selfpaced reading and EEG studies. Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2020. [link]
  • Czypionka, Anna, Maribel Romero, and Josef Bayer. 2021. Question-sensitive discourse particles at the interfaces of syntax, semantics and pragmatics: an experimental approach. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 6, no. 1 (2021). link
  • Czypionka, Anna, Felix Golcher, Joana Blaszczak, and Carsten Eulitz. 2019. When verbs have bugs: Lexical and syntactic processing costs of split particle verbs in sentence comprehension. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 34(3), 326-350 [link to preprint]
  • Djärv, Kajsa. 2021. Factivity, Assertion, and Clausal Definiteness. In Rachel Soo, Daniel Reisinger, and Katie Martin (eds.) Proceedings of the 38th Meeting of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 38).
  • Djärv, Kajsa. 2022. On the interpretation and distribution of embedded main clause syntax: new perspectives on complex discourse moves. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 7(1). DOI: https://doi.org/10.16995/glossa.5752. (Also part of Wataru Uegaki & Floris Roelofsen (eds.) The interface between logic and grammar in the domain of clausal complementation, Glossa special issue).
  • Djärv, Kajsa and Maribel Romero. 2021. (Non-)factive islands from (non-)necessary triviality. In J. Rhyne, K. Lamp, N. Dreier, and C. Kwon , eds., Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 30. pp. 184-200. LSA Publications. [link]
  • Dörre, Laura, Anna Czypionka, Andreas Trotzke, and Josef Bayer. 2018. The processing of German modal particles and their counterparts. Linguistische Berichte 255:58. [link]
  • Eckardt, Regine, and Andrea Beltrama. 2019. Evidentials and questions. In C. Piñón, ed., Empirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics 12. pp. 121-55. Paris: CNRS. [link]
  • Kharaman, Mariya, Manluolan Xu, Carsten Eulitz and Bettina Braun. 2019. The processing of prosodic cues to rhetorical question interpretation: Psycholinguistic and neurolinguistics evidence. Proceedings of Interspeech 2019 : Crossroads of Speech and Language. – Baixas, France : ISCA, 2019. – pp. 1218-1222. – ISSN 1990-9772 [link]
  • Mohammadi, M., Keov, T., Speaker Attitudes Predic Epistemic Biases in Polar Questions: Evidence from Farsi. In the proceedings of West Cost Conference of Formal Linguistics (WCCFL) 42, Berkley University.
  • Trotzke, Andreas and Anna Czypionka. 2022. The pragmatics of surprise-disapproval questions: An empirical study. Linguistics Vanguard (special collection), 8(s2), 239-249. [link] 

Edited volumes

  • Bayer, Josef and Volker Struckmeier. 2017. Discourse Particles. Formal Approaches to their Syntax and Semantics. Berlin: DeGruyter.
  • Trotzke, Andreas and Anna Czypionka. 2022. Non-canonical questions from a comparative perspective. Special collection Linguistic Vanguard 8(s2) (2022).

Peer-reviewed conference talks

  • Bayer, Josef. 2018. Discourse Particles ex situ in Emphatic Wh-Questions. Workshop “The Grammar and Pragmatics of Interrogatives and their (Special) Uses” at GLOW 41, Budapest, Hungary, April 14. [abstract]
  • Bayer, Josef and Uwe Braun. 2016. German Discourse Particles in Sentential Infinitives. 31st Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop, University of Stellenbosch, Republic of South Africa, November 1-3.
  • Czypionka, Anna. 2023. Sentence processing at the syntax-pragmatics interface: Interindividual variation and ASD-related psychological traits. 18th International Pragmatics Conference, July 09 – 14, Brussels (Belgium), talk
  • Czypionka, Anna, Mariya Kharaman, Josef Bayer, Maribel Romero and Carsten Eulitz. 2020. Licensing question-sensitive discourse particles: Evidence from grammaticality judgments, selfpaced reading and EEG studies. Conference Linguistic Evidence 2020, Tübingen, Germany,  February 13-15.
  • Czypionka, Anna and Josef Bayer. 2019. Licensing and Locality in German wh-questions with discourse particles. Workshop Doing experiments with theoretical linguistics, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, April 4.
  • Djärv, Kajsa. 2020. Factivity and the Syntax of Embedded Context Updates. The 43rd Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW43) conference. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany, April 8-20. https://glowlinguistics.org/43/programme/, https://osf.io/r3p89/
  • Kharaman, Mariya, Anna Czypionka and Carsten Eulitz. 2021. Licensing at the interfaces of syntax, semantics and pragmatics: Theta-band oscillations reflect low semantic value of discourse particles. 13th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language (SNL 2021), October 5-8, slide slam contribution

Peer-reviewed poster presentations

  • Czypionka, Anna, Mariya Kharaman, Josef Bayer, Maribel Romero and Carsten Eulitz. 2019. Comparing licensing processes at the interfaces of syntax, semantics and pragmatics. 32nd Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, March 29 – 31, 2019. Boulder, CO, USA, poster
  • Czypionka, Anna, Josef Bayer, Maribel Romero & Carsten Eulitz. 2017. The licensing of discourse particles in complex questions: Evidence from graded judgments and event-related potentials. 30th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, MIT, Cambridge, MA, March 30 – April 1. [poster]

Invited talks

  • Czypionka, Anna. 2022. Interindividual differences in licensing at the interfaces – new data and first conclusions. Invited talk at the  Language in Autism network meeting, May 10th, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (the Netherlands).
  • Czypionka, Anna. 2022. Sentence processing at the syntax-pragmatics interface: The role of ASD-related psychological measures. Invited talk at the ACLC Group meeting, April 8th, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (the Netherlands).
  • Czypionka, Anna. 2021. Licensing at the interfaces – question-sensitive discourse particles and negative polarity items in sentence comprehension. Invited talk at the Language and Cognition group meeting, October 14th, University of Leiden, Leiden (the Netherlands).
  • Czypionka, Anna. 2021. Interindividual differences in licensing at the interfaces – preliminary data and planned experiments. Invited talk at the Language in Autism network meeting October 11th 2021, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (the Netherlands).
  • Czypionka, Anna. 2021. Assessing linguistic illusions at the interfaces of syntax, semantics and pragmatics. Invited talk in the Expert talks series for MA and Ph.D. students, January 8th, Faculty of Philology, University of Wrocław, Poland.
  • Czypionka, Anna. 2020. Question-sensitive discourse particles in German: Licensing at the interfaces of syntax, semantics and pragmatics. Data from rating and EEG studies. Czypionka, A. (May 15th 2020), Invited talk at the Grammar and Cognition research group meeting, University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands).
  • Czypionka, Anna. 2019. The processing of question-sensitive discourse particles. Invited talk at Linglunch, September 19th 2019, Université Paris Diderot (France). 
  • Czypionka, Anna. 2019. Wh-words as licensers for question-sensitive discourse particles. Invited talk at the workshop Dimensions of wh-words: A German-Italian question time. May 7th 2019, Villa Vigoni (Italy).
  • Kajsa Djärv. 2021. Embedded main clause phenomena: new perspectives on embedded illocutionary acts. Invited talk at the University of Stuttgart, Research Colloquium, May 11, 2021.
  • Kajsa Djärv. 2021. Embedded main clause phenomena: new perspectives on embedded illocutionary acts. Invited talk at the MECORE kickoff workshop: Approaches to the semantics of clause-embedding predicates: theories, cross-linguistic data, and experimentation. University of Edinburgh, Oct 21, 2021.
  • Kajsa Djärv. 2021. Embedded main clause phenomena: new perspectives on embedded illocutionary acts. Invited talk at the Grand Grammar Research Colloquium (Gothenburg, Lund, Stockholm, and Uppsala), Oct 14, 2021.
  • Romero, Maribel. 2017. Composing Not-at-Issue Meaning: German Discourse Particles in Questions. Invited talk at the Workshop “Compositionality at the Interfaces” at GLOW (Generative Linguistics in the Old World) 40. Leiden, Netherlands, March 14-18.
  • Romero, M. 2017.German discourse particles in questions. Invited talk at the workshop Inquisitiveness Below and Beyond the Sentence Boundary. University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, December 18-19. [handout]

Other papers

  • Bayer, Josef. 2018. A comparative note on the Bangla particle to and the German particle doch. In: Festschrift for Angelika Kratzer. [link]
  • Bayer, Josef and Hans Broekhuis. 2018. Sluicing and gapping: elipsis or selective spell-out? available on LingBuzz. [link]

Project Related Theses

  • Dörre, Laura. 2018. Primary and Secondary Meaning in the Processing of German Particles. Doctoral dissertation.
  • Föhl, Antonia. 2017. How does “wohl” behave? BA thesis, University of Konstanz. (Supervisors: Maribel Romero, Maria Biezma)
  • Fortmann, Jette. 2017. Modalpartikeln in Nebensätzen. BA thesis, University of Konstanz. (Supervisors: Maribel Romero, Sven Lauer)