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Peer-reviewed journal publications
- Zahner-Ritter, Katharina, Yiya Chen, Nicole Dehé & Bettina Braun. 2022. Prosodic differences between rhetorical and information-seeking questions in Standard Chinese. Journal of Phonetics. (Online First View, Open Access)
- Dehé, Nicole, Daniela Wochner & Marieke Einfeldt. 2022. The interaction of discourse markers and prosody in rhetorical questions in German. Journal of Linguistics. (Online First View, Open Access)
- Zahner-Ritter, Katharina, Marieke Einfeldt, Daniela Wochner, Angela James, Nicole Dehé & Bettina Braun. 2022. Three kinds of rising-falling contours in German wh-questions: Evidence from form and function. Frontiers in Communication 7 (Open Access).
- Dehé, Nicole & Daniela Wochner. 2022 (online first). Voice quality and speaking rate in Icelandic rhetorical questions. Nordic Journal of Linguistics (Open Access).
- Dehé, Nicole, Bettina Braun, Marieke Einfeldt, Daniela Wochner & Katharina Zahner-Ritter. 2022. The prosody of rhetorical questions: A cross-linguistic view. Linguistische Berichte 269: 3-42.
- Dehé, Nicole & Bettina Braun. 2020. The prosody of rhetorical questions in English. English Language and Linguistics 24(4): 607-635. article available here or here
- Dehé, Nicole & Bettina Braun. 2020. The intonation of information seeking and rhetorical questions in Icelandic. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 32(1): 1-42. article available here
- Braun, Bettina, Nicole Dehé, Jana Neitsch, Daniela Wochner & Katharina Zahner. 2019. The prosody of rhetorical and information-seeking questions in German. Language and Speech 62(4): 779-807. article available here
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings
- Braun, Bettina, Nicole Dehé, Marieke Einfeldt, Daniela Wochner & Katharina Zahner-Ritter. 2021. Testing acoustic voice quality classification across languages and speech styles. In Proceedings of Interspeech (2021), 20 Aug – 3 Sept 2021, Brno, Czechia, pp 3920-3924. DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2021-315 (paper available here)
- Einfeldt, Marieke, Rita Sevastjanova, Katharina Zahner-Ritter, Ekaterina Kazak & Bettina Braun. 2021. Reliable estimates of interpretable cue effects with Active Learning in psycholinguistic research. In Proceedings of Interspeech (2021), 20 Aug – 3 Sept 2021, Brno, Czechia, pp 1743-1747. DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2021-1524 (paper available here)
- Braun, Bettina, Marieke Einfeldt, Gloria Esposito & Nicole Dehé. 2020. The prosodic realization of rhetorical and information-seeking questions in German spontaneous speech. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody (SP10), Tokyo, Japan, 342-346. DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2020-70.
- Zahner, Katharina, Manluolan Xu, Yiya Chen, Nicole Dehé & Bettina Braun. 2020. The prosodic marking of rhetorical questions in Standard Chinese. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody (SP10), Tokyo, Japan, 389-393. DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2020-80.
- Kharaman, Mariya, Manluolan Xu, Carsten Eulitz & Bettina Braun. 2019. The processing of prosodic cues to rhetorical question interpretation: Psycholinguistic and neurolinguistics evidence. In Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2019). Graz, Austria. (paper)
- Braun, Bettina, Daniela Wochner, Katharina Zahner & Nicole Dehé. 2018. Classification of interrogatives as information-seeking or rhetorical questions. In Proceedings of the 17th Australasian Speech Science and Technology Conference (SST2018). Sydney, Australia. (paper)
- Dehé, Nicole. 2018. The prosody of rhetorical questions. In Proceedings of NELS 48 (2017), ed. by Sherry Hucklebridge and Max Nelson, GLSA Publications. (Invited) (paper)
- Dehé, Nicole, Bettina Braun & Daniela Wochner. 2018. The prosody of rhetorical vs. information-seeking questions in Icelandic. In Proceedings of Speech Prosody, 9th International Conference (2018), Poznan, Poland, 403-407, DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2018-82
- Jabeen, Farhat & Bettina Braun. 2018. Production and perception of prosodic cues in narrow & corrective focus in Urdu/Hindi. In Proceedings of Speech Prosody, 9th International Conference (2018), Poznan, Poland, 30-34, DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21437/SpeechProsody.2018-6
- Neitsch, Jana, Bettina Braun & Nicole Dehé. 2018. The role of prosody of the interpretation of rhetorical questions in German. In Proceedings of Speech Prosody, 9th International Conference (2018), Poznan, Poland. 192-196, DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2018-39
- Wochner, Daniela & Nicole Dehé. 2018. Prosody meets pragmatics: a production study on German verb-first sentences. In Proceedings of Speech Prosody, 9th International Conference (2018), Poznan, Poland, 418-422, DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2018-85
- Wochner, Daniela, Jana Schlegel, Bettina Braun & Nicole Dehé. 2015. The prosodic marking of rhetorical questions in German. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Dresden, Germany. (paper)
Invited talks
- Dehé, Nicole. 2022. The function(s) of prosody in discourse. Invited colloquium talk, 10 Dec 2022, Sun Yat-Sen University, China. [virtual talk]
- Wochner, Daniela. 2021. Prosody trifft Pragmatik: Rhetorische Fragen im Vergleich. Invited talk, linguistics colloquium, University of Leipzig. 4 May 2021, University of Leipzig, Germany.
- Dehé, Nicole. 2020. The prosodic marking of rhetorical questions: A cross-linguistic view. Invited talk, ICU Linguistics Colloquium, 21 Nov 2020, International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan [virtual talk; watch here].
- Dehé, Nicole. 2020. Prosodic and syntactic cues to rhetorical meaning. Invited keynote talk, Workshop ‘Non-canonical Questions at the Syntax-Prosody interface’, 12-13 Nov 2020, Paris, France [virtual conference].
- Dehé, Nicole. 2020. Would you know a rhetorical question if you heard one? 1 July 2020, Bergische Universität Wuppertal.
- Dehé, Nicole. 2020. A cross-linguistic view on the prosody of rhetorical questions, invited talk, the joint Simon Fraser University/University of British Columbia Linguistics NOW colloquium, 13 March 2020, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- Dehé, Nicole. 2019. A cross-linguistic view on the prosody of rhetorical questions, 30 October 2019, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
- Dehé, Nicole. 2019. A cross-linguistic view on the prosody of rhetorical questions, 24 October 2019, China Three Gorges University, Yichang, China.
- Dehé, Nicole. 2019. A cross-linguistic view on the prosody of rhetorical questions, 17 October 2019, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China.
- Braun, Bettina. 2018. The role of prosody in signaling and perceiving rhetorical questions. Invited talk in the research colloquium, 29 May 2019, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany.
- Braun, Bettina. 2018. The prosody of rhetorical questions. Invited talk at the Workshop Prosodic variation across languages: The state-of-the-art in comparative prosodic research, 14-15 Sept 2018, University of Leiden, Leiden, The Netherlands.
- Braun, Bettina. 2018. Phonology and phonetics of rhetorical questions – evidence from German. Invited talk at the Phonetics Association in Kansai (PAIK), 26 May 2018, University of Kobe, Kobe, Japan.
Braun, Bettina. 2018. The production and perception of rhetorical questions. Invited research seminar, March 2018, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
- Dehé, Nicole. 2017. The prosody of rhetorical questions, Invited plenary talk at the 48th Annual Meetings of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 48), 27-29 Oct 2017, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Talks and other presentations
- Braun, Bettina, Nicole Dehé, Marieke Einfeldt, Angela James, Ekaterina Kazak, Rita Sevastjanova, Daniela Wochner & Katharina Zahner-Ritter. 2022. What makes a question rhetorical? Evidence from a multiple-cue perception experiment. Annual Conference of the Center of Excellence in Estonian Studies: Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity in Language and Culture, 12-13 May 2022, Tartu, Estonian Literary Museum and University of Tartu.
- Zahner-Ritter, Katharina, Marieke Einfeldt, Daniela Wochner, Angela James, Nicole Dehé & Bettina Braun. 2021. Testing the distinctiveness of German rising-falling accents — integrating evidence from form and function. Presented at Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P), 29-30 Sept 2021, Frankfurt a.M., Germany. [virtual conference]
- Dehé, Nicole & Daniela Wochner. 2021. Voice quality and speaking rate in Icelandic rhetorical questions. 4th conference on Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE 2021), 21-23 June 2021, Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Universitat de Barcelona (Barcelona, Catalonia) [virtual conference]; poster
- Einfeldt, Marieke, Rita Sevastjanova, Katharina Zahner, Nicole Dehé, Bettina Braun. 2020. Active learning systems as a solution for stimulus selection and data modelling in complex behavioural study designs? Talk at the Workshop “Cue weighting: Thinking outside the box“, Satellite Event to LabPhon 2020, 9 July 2020, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada [virtual conference].
- Zahner, Katharina, Marieke Einfeldt, Nicole Dehé & Bettina Braun. accepted. Imitating alignment differences in German nuclear accents – is (L+H)* a category? Poster at the Workshop “Situating phonological contrast within the production-perception loop”, Satellite Event to LabPhon 2020, 9 July 2020, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada [virtual conference].
- Braun, Bettina, Marieke Einfeldt, Gloria Esposito & Nicole Dehé. 2020. The prosodic realization of rhetorical and information-seeking questions in German spontaneous speech. Presentation at the 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody (SP10), Tokyo, Japan. [24-28 May 2020, virtual conference]
- Zahner, Katharina, Manluolan Xu, Yiya Chen, Nicole Dehé & Bettina Braun. 2020. The prosodic marking of rhetorical questions in Standard Chinese. Presentation at the 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody (SP10), Tokyo, Japan. [24-28 May 2020, virtual conference]
- Zahner, Katharina, Manluolan Xu, Nicole Dehé, Bettina Braun. 2019. Prosodic cues to rhetorical questions in Mandarin Chinese: f0, duration, voice quality. Talk at “Phonetik & Phonologie” in Düsseldorf, Germany. (abstract)
- Kharaman, Mariya, Manluolan Xu, Carsten Eulitz, Bettina Braun. 2019. The processing of prosodic cues to rhetorical question interpretation: Psycholinguistic and neurolinguistics evidence. Talk at the 20th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2019). Graz, Austria. (paper)
- Dehé, Nicole & Bettina Braun. 2019. Icelandic question intonation. Poster at Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE 201p), Lecce, Italy. (poster)
- Dehé, Nicole, Bettina Braun & Daniela Wochner. 2018. The prosody of rhetorical vs. information-seeking questions in Icelandic. Poster at Speech Prosody, 9th International Conference (2018), Poznan, Poland. (poster)
- Neitsch, Jana, Bettina Braun and Nicole Dehé. 2018. The role of prosody for the interpretation of rhetorical questions in German. Poster at Speech Prosody, 9th International Conference (2018), Poznan, Poland. (poster)
- Wochner, Daniela & Nicole Dehé. 2018. Prosody meets pragmatics: a production study on German verb-first sentences. Poster at Speech Prosody, 9th International Conference (2018), Poznan, Poland. (poster)
- Neitsch, Jana, Bettina Braun & Nicole Dehé. 2018. Identifying rhetorical questions in German: the perceptual relevance of pitch accent type, voice quality and the discourse particle denn. Poster at Labphon 2018. Lisboa, Portugal. (poster)
- Kusterer, Marianne, Jana Neitsch, Bettina Braun & Nicole Dehé. 2017. Interpreting rhetorical questions: The influence of pitch accent type, voice quality and the modal particle “denn”. Poster at Phonetics and Phonology in Europe. University of Cologne, Germany. (poster)
- Neitsch, Jana, Daniela Wochner, Katharina Zahner & Nicole Dehé. 2017. Who likes liver? How German speakers use prosody to mark questions as rhetorical. Talk at Phonetics and Phonology in Europe. University of Cologne, Germany. (abstract)
- Wochner, Daniela & Nicole Dehé. 2017. The prosody of verb-first constructions in German: A comparison of information seeking questions, rhetorical questions and exclamatives. Poster at Phonetics and Phonology in Europe. University of Cologne, Germany. (poster)
- Schlegel, Jana, Daniela Wochner, Nicole Dehé & Bettina Braun. 2015. The prosody of rhetorical questions in German. Poster at Phonetics and Phonology in Europe, Cambridge, UK. (poster)
- Wochner, Daniela, Jana Schlegel, Bettina Braun & Nicole Dehé. 2015. The prosodic marking of rhetorical questions in German. Poster at Interspeech 2015, Dresden, Germany. (poster)
- Wochner, Daniela & Jana Schlegel. 2015. The prosody of rhetorical questions. Talk at the 37. Jahrestagung der DGfS – AG6, Leipzig, Germany. (abstract)
Project related theses (selected)
- Wochner, Daniela. 2021. Prosody meets pragmatics: A comparison of rhetorical questions, information-seeking questions, exclamatives, and assertions. Doctoral thesis, University of Konstanz. (Supervisors/referees: Nicole Dehé, Barbara Schlücker, Bettina Braun)
- Esposito, Gloria. 2019. The intonation of information-seeking questions and rhetorical questions in German: An investigation on spontaneous speech data. Master thesis, University of Konstanz. (Supervisors: Nicole Dehé, Bettina Braun)
- Xu, Manluolan. 2018. Die Rolle der Sprechgeschwindigkeit für die Interpretation von Illokution im Deutschen. [The role of speaking rate for the interpretation of illocution in German]. Master thesis, University of Konstanz. (Supervisors: Bettina Braun, Carsten Eulitz)
- Saks, Nicole. 2017. Untersuchung der prosodischen Realisierung negierter informationssuchender und rhetorischer Fragen. [Investigating the prosodic realisation of negated information-seeking and rhetorical questions]. Bachelor thesis, University of Konstanz (Supervisors: Nicole Dehé, Bettina Braun)
- Schilk, Annika. 2017. The prosodic realisation of rhetorical questions in German and the influence of the modal particle denn. Bachelor thesis, University of Konstanz. (Supervisors: Bettina Braun, Nicole Dehé)
- Kusterer, Marianne. 2016. Prosodic cues to question interpretation: The influence of pitch accent and voice quality on the interpretation of rhetorical questions. Master thesis, University of Konstanz. (Supervisors: Bettina Braun, Nicole Dehé)
- James, Angela. 2015. The role of prosody in the perception of rhetorical questions in German. Bachelor thesis, University of Konstanz. (Supervisors: Bettina Braun, María Biezma)
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