We received 48 poster proposal submissions for PARSEME's 4th general meeting in Valletta, Malta. For the first time we had to apply an unusually strong selectivity rate: 50%. The selected posters are (the poster presenters are underlined):
- Jorge Baptista, A. Rassi, C. Santos-Turati, C. Barros, O. Vale, N. Mamede "Integrated Processing of Support Verb Constructions in Portuguese" (WG2) (abstract, poster, slides)
- Sara Castagnoli, Francesca Masini, Malvina Nissim, Gianluca E. Lebani, Marco S.G. Senaldi, Alessandro Lenci "Extracting and Analysing Italian Word Combinations with SYntactically Marked PATterns" (WG1) (abstract, poster, slides)
- Silvio Ricardo Cordeiro, Carlos Ramisch, Aline Villavicencio "Token-based MWE Identification Strategies in the mwetoolkit" (WG2, WG3) (abstract, poster, slides)
- Patrick Hanks, Ismail El-Maarouf, Michael Oakes "Measures of collocational strength and flexibility for the identification of MWEs" (WG3) (abstract, poster, slides)
- Tomas Krilavičius, Justina Mandravickaite, Michael Oakes, Carlos Ramisch, Federico Sangati, Veronika Vincze "Discovery of MWEs Report on MWE Processing" (WG3) (abstract, poster, slides)
- Timm Lichte, Laura Kallmeyer "Two ways of modelling idiomaticity as semantic ambiguity in LTAG" (WG1, WG2) (abstract, poster, slides)
- Stella Markantonatou, Eri Koletti, Elpi Margariti, Panagiotis Minos, Aimilia Stripeli, Giorgos Zakis, Niki Samaridi "Database for free subject verb MWEs" (WG1) (abstract, poster, slides)
- Nathan Schneider "Broad-Coverage Analysis of English MWEs: From Annotation to Sequence Tagging" (WG3, WG4) (abstract, poster, slides)
- Kiril Simov, Petya Osenova "Formalizing MultiWords as Catenae in a Treebank and in a Lexicon" (WG4, WG1) (abstract, poster, slides)
- Martin Volk, Laura Mascarell, Mark Fishel "Compounds, Coreferences and Multiword Translations" (WG3) (abstract, poster, slides)
- Eric Wehrli "Collocations in Translation" (WG2, WG4) (abstract, poster, slides)
- Eduard Bejček, Pavel Straňák "Identification of Multiword BBN Named Entities in Dependency Annotation of Wall Street Journal" (WG4) (abstract, poster, slides)
- Antoine Doucet "Mining Maximal Frequent Sequences for Multilingual Multi-Word Expression Extraction" (WG3) (abstract, poster, slides)
- Livnat Herzig Sheinfux, Nurit Melnik, Shuly Wintner "Accounting for Hebrew verbal MWEs in HPSG" (WG1) (abstract, poster, slides)
- Svetla Koeva, Tsvetana Dimitrova "Semantic and Syntactic Patterns of Bulgarian Multiword Names" (WG1) (abstract, poster, slides)
- Miryam de Lhoneux "CCG parsing and multiword expressions" (WG2, WG4) (abstract, poster, slides)
- Alexis Nasr, José Deulofeu, André Valli, Carlos Ramisch "Complex Function Words in French: Representation and Processing" (WG3) (abstract, poster, slides)
- Andreia Querido, Rita de Carvalho, João Rodrigues, António Branco "MWEs in the QTLeap Corpus of Online Helpdesk Interactions" (WG4) (abstract, poster, slides)
- Mike Rosner, Matthieu Constant, Gerold Schneider, Jan Genci, Joakim Nivre "The Role of Orchestration in Hybrid Parsing of Multiword Expressions" (WG3) (abstract, poster, slides)
- Gyri Sm√∏rdal Losnegaard, Harald Ulland "Syntactic properties of Norwegian verbal MWEs" (WG1) (abstract, poster, slides)
- Amalia Todirascu, Johanna Monti "Processing MWE in Machine Translation Systems" (WG3) (abstract, poster, slides)
- Jakub Waszczuk, Agata Savary "Modeling syntactic properties of MWEs in LFG" (WG2) (abstract, poster, slides)